Sunday, October 02, 2011

I’ve logged every workout I’ve done for the last 16 years  -  and I work out generally every day. 

We also just moved in to the fourth quarter.  90 days left until the end of the year.  I’m feeling pretty fit right now, but I’d like to step it up – there’s still time left.

As fall arrives and the weather cools (46 degrees and raining today), I usually start running more and get back into strength training. 

I will then move into my restoration period in late November to enjoy the holidays and let my body totally recover.    

Now, I’m going to focus running more, back into P90X, and improving my diet. 

I was thinking about how the first thing I consume at 5AM is coffee.  The body has been resting and needs to start with regular water – not coffee.  We all need to consider what we put into our body as fuel.    

The better the fuel, the better the engine’s performance.  Our body’s performance is critical to how we perform in everything we do – everyday. 

As business owners and corporate professionals, our body needs to feel good and perform to the max to get the most out everything - our family life, our careers, school, projects around the house  – everything we do.

Here’s what I’m doing going forward:
  •        16 oz of water first thing – not coffee first
  •          Eating as organic and local  – almost 100% now, but it gets more difficult in the fall
  •          1 gallon of water every day - critical!
  •          Carrot juice +4x per week - juicing makes sense, but it's a pain - I'm committing for a couple months.
 I'll let you know how I make out.

Take a look at what you’re using to fuel your body.   If you don’t exercise – start!  We are all working animals.  It’s imperative to keep all your systems working properly so you can perform energized and at your optimum.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The 100 Day Plan

Today is the last official day of summer.  I always hate to see summer go - it is definitely my favorite time of the year..  It really marks the time, doesn't it?.  

So here's the deal, as of today, there are 100 days left to the end of the year.  100 days.

In 100 days, all your 2011 new year's resolutions and goals for the year that you optimistically set last year are going to be measured.  In 100 days, you will be setting new goals and targets for 2012.  In 100 days, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be over. 

100 days is a enough time to get important things done.  This is a great time to develop a 100 day plan and close this year out strong.  Spend an hour or two this weekend, and do it right.  I love the 100 day idea - it invigorates, it pushes, it helps create momentum into the following year. The 100 day time frame is perfect - Most plans and initiatives can get done in this time frame.

I use a self developed strategy execution process in my CFO Services practice that keeps leadership teams and organizations focused on the important things. The process is straight forward - focusing on strategic goals with initiatives, deliverables, activities and measures. 

The 100 day plan follows the same general format.  List what you want or need to get done by the end of the year with the necessary activities with a due date.  I use MS Excel to keep things visible.  I list the main goal and the tasks and activities needed to get done below it with target completion dates.  And - I alway list the 'next action step' that needs to get done.  That is a key point.  List next a next action step for each goal.  If you want a copy of my template, send me a quick note.

I'm currently finishing my 100 day plan and a couple for some of my clients.  I usually list 6-8 big items that I'd like to get done by December 31st.  I put reminders on my calendar for follow up items and review the list every Friday.  I keep the 'next action steps' up to date.   

The 100 day plan creates a sense of urgency to get important things done in a short period of time.  Period.

You know what?  Most of the items I list get gone get done.  You know what else? Most of the items wouldn't have gotten done if I didn't put together my  100 day plan.  It works.

The important thing to do is sit down and think was you want to get done.  Set big ass targets.   

Focus and execution - that's the key.  Cut out baloney and use self discipline - focus on locking down what you want to get done.  Review action plans and results weekly.  Everyone should do this- it's simple and it works.

Document  progress and next action steps for each goal.  Hold yourself accountable and keep moving the ball forward.  

It's amazing what you get done in 100 days.  

Another benefit of developing the 100 day plan now, is it gets you prepared for 2012. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Take some shots on goal to finish this year strong.