I have been using a monthly reporting package since my first company I started when I
was in college. There wasn’t much to
report, but it helped keep us 2 owners focused, on track, and profitable. The month-end summary transitioned over the years from balance sheet and P&L to charts and graphs and mobile dashboards.
Working with companies of all types and sizes in every industry, the value of
the month-end reporting package can be immeasurable.
helps keep small business owners focused, accountable, and profitable. In larger companies, it helps keeps teams aligned,
engaged, and driven.
small business owners I work with are secretive with financial information. They don’t want their team to know how well
or poorly they’re doing. I think that's a mistake, but it's their business. To me, open book financial reporting makes
sense. Either way,
the smaller business owner needs to see the information for themselves.
also like a daily flash report and weekly dashboard. It’s interesting how dashboards can now easily
integrate into your data – producing great information on a real-time
basis. More about dashboards later.
month-end package is different. Keep it simple and readable. Too
much detail on the income statement, for example, is not helpful. 80/20 your thinking.
Here’s a quick checklist to help improve yours:
q Cover page
q Strategic one page
summary – vision, strategic sentence, quarterly goals, etc.
q CEO, CFO, Sales reports,
if applicable
q Income statement –
comparing summary P&L month-to-date and year-to-date to the previous
year and to your plan.
q Balance Sheet –
compare to prior year
q Historical graphs (a
picture is a thousand words): segment sales, cost of goods sold, gross profit,
top few expense lines, net income.
q Top 20 customers’
month-to-date and year-to-date Sales, GP$, GP%; Sales Analysis; Geography
q Top Vendors month-to-date
and year-to-date purchases; Top 20 A/P balances
q Top expense line
items with flux comments
q KPI data and graphs
(company specific; sales, gross profit, new customers, lost customers, ASP,
revenue/mile, revenue/visit, etc.)
q Cash flow driver
graphs – A/R days, WIP, Inventory days, A/P days; Financial ratios
q A/R Aging for the
month and historical
q Departmental
summaries, if applicable
q Top 3 priorities from
prior month - status
q Subsequent month top
3 priorities
Use the month-end reporting package as an opportunity to really step up your
financial close process with accurate and timely final numbers.
the reporting package is always company specific, but is a huge opportunity to
improve communication and get financial accountability and growth; and better
profit and cash flow.
If you need any help developing your monthly financial package, let me know.
In good health and profit,