Friday, November 27, 2009

Budget Season

Budgeting season – is it just finishing or just starting?

I’ve been doing a lot planning with clients for the last couple of months. I believe now is the time to really turn up the heat with nailing Q4 (as best as possible) for the next 30 days and keep those planning sessions active. Big businesses and small.

I’m talking about your financial models for next year – planned monthly P&L and balance sheet, personnel and capex plans, etc. If you’ve just completed the planning a) good job, and b) pull it back out and use as a working document. If you haven’t completed the process, it’s time to get your ass in gear.

‘Times are a changin’, and the world is moving fast – especially now days and there are a lot of opportunities out there, but we all need to be careful. The reporting mechanisms, however simple or complex, need to be in place, timely and accurate. It’s critical everyone understands the business’s strategy and the scorecard of how the business is performing – I always picture a football scoreboard.

With that said, I hope everyone has a strong rest of the year – as in a 10K running race, finish strong and feel good about the race. In your business – the race doesn’t end at 12/31, but it’s clearly a mile marker – so push yourself for the next 30 days – hit the mile marker strong and set yourself up for a great year in 2010.

Guess what? Budget season never ends. I don’t even like the term budget season – it’s planning and execution season and it goes 12 month a year. Get yours going now.  If you need any help, let me know - it's the best part of the game.